238 Product of Array Except Self





This problem requires us to return a list of numbers such that at each element in the new list corresponds to the product of the original list excluding the element that is at the current index. We are required to do this without using division and are challenged to do this in $O(n)$ time complexity and $O(1)$ space complexity excluding the space used for the return list.

If we were to do this by hand, we would want a way to calculate the product of all elements before with all elements after the current index. Utilizing our resulting list to meet the space complexity challenge, we can implement this in a very neat way using two iterations, one to calculate the product of elements before the current index, and one to calculate the product of elements after the current index.


  1. Initialize the result list, res. The initialized value of the list doesn’t matter as it will be overwritten.

  2. The first pass finds the product of elements that occur before the current index in nums. We set the first value of res to 1 as there are no elements before it.

  3. Iterate through res and set each element equal to the product of the previous index in res and nums. This iteratively builds up the prefix product of the array.

  4. Initialize a suffix product variable as post.

  5. Iterate through res and multiply each element with post. Build up post by multiplying it with the current index.

  6. Return res


  • Time complexity: $O(n)$. We iterate through the array twice. $O(n) + O(n) \rightarrow O(n)$.
  • Space complexity: $O(1)$. We only utilize space for the resultant list and are told to exlude this.


class Solution:
    def productExceptSelf(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        res = [0] * len(nums)
        res[0] = 1
        for i in range(1, len(nums), 1):
            res[i] = res[i-1] * nums[i-1]
        post = 1
        for i in range(len(nums)-1, -1, -1):
            res[i] *= post
            post *= nums[i]
        return res