2225 Find Players With Zero or One Losses





This problem requires us to return a sorted list of players that have either exactly zero or one losses. This is a fairly simple problem as we can utilize the quick look up times of a set datastructure in order to keep track of all of the players and their current statuses.

We utilize a set to keep track of those we have seen who have exactly zero losses, zero_loss, another to keep track of those we have seen who have exactly one loss, one_loss, and lastly another to keep track of those we have seen who have multiple losses more_losses. We iterate through each match and add the winner to zero_loss if we have not seen them to have a loss before, and then move the loser down one category of losses.


  1. Initialize three sets to keep track of players with zero, one or more losses, zero_loss, one_loss, and more_losses resspectively.
  2. Iterate through each match. Place the winner in zero_loss if they have not been seen to have a previous loss. Demote the loser one category if they have been seen before, or add them to one_loss if we are seeing them for the first time.
  3. Convert the zero_loss and one_loss sets into lists and return a sorted version of both lists.


  • Time complexity: $O(n)$. We iterate through each match once and perform a constant time set of operations on each match.

  • Space complexity: $O(n)$. We store each player of each match in one of our three sets and thus utilize a linear space complexity.


class Solution:
    def findWinners(self, matches: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        zero_loss = set()
        one_loss = set()
        more_losses = set()
        for winner, loser in matches:
            if (winner not in one_loss) and (winner not in more_losses):
            if loser in zero_loss:
            elif loser in one_loss:
            elif loser in more_losses:
        return [sorted(list(zero_loss)), sorted(list(one_loss))]