1913 Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs





This problem requires us to find the maximum possible answer to (a-b) * (c-d) given that a, b, c, and d are all numbers at unique indices. This is quite simple and can be done in a single pass through nums which keeps our time complexity down to a nice $O(n)$. This beats the more trivial solution of sorting the list and then choosing the first two and last two numbers in the sorted list as that would have a time complexity of $O(n*log(n))$ based on the sorting implementation used.

As we iterate through nums, we keep track of the two largest numbers seen thus far, max1 and max2, and keep track of the two smallest numbers seen thus far, min1 and min2. As we iterate, we check if the number is larger than the largest number we have previous seen, if so, we update the two largest numbers. If it is only greater than the second largest number we see, we update just that value. We do the same for the minimum.

This is guaranteed to find numbers that are at unique indices because of the way the maximum and minimum variables are initialized and handled. They initially start higher or lower than the possible values defined in the constraints and therefore we are guaranteed to be updating each one when we come across unique values of nums. Since there are at least four numbers in nums, we will handle all values into their correct category.


  1. Initialize max1 and max2 as 0 which is lower than the lowest possible value of 1
  2. Initialize min1 and min2 as 10 ** 4 + 1 which is greater than the highest possible value of 10 ** 4.
  3. Iterate through nums.
    • For each number, update max1 and max2 if it is the largest seen number thus far, or just max2 if it is the second largest seen number thus far.
    • For each number, update min1 and min2 if it is the smallest seen number thus far, or just min2 if it is the second smallest seen number thus far.
  4. Return the requeted difference.


  • Time complexity: $O(n)$. We iterate through the list once and perform a fixed number of constant time operations on each iteration.

  • Space complexity: $O(1)$. We utilize a constant amount of space to store the two largest and two smallest numbers in the list.


class Solution:
    def maxProductDifference(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        max1 = max2 = 0
        min1 = min2 = 10 ** 4 + 1

        for num in nums:
            if num > max1:
                max1, max2 = num, max1
            elif num > max2:
                max2 = num
            if num < min1:
                min1, min2 = num, min1
            elif num < min2:
                min2 = num
        return (max1 * max2) - (min1 * min2)