1436 Destination City





This problem requires us to find the destination city in a list of paths from one city to another. We are guaranteed to have a destination city so we must find the city which has no outgoing paths and only an incoming path. This problem is quite simply in the representation of the paths that we are given since it is a linear path and therefore there are no branches that we need to keep track of.

We can loop through all the paths once and add all of the starting cities to a hashset for easy lookup. If a city is in the start set, then we don’t consider it for a destination city. If a city is later found to be a start city, we remove it from the destination set. Otherwise, we add the destination city to the destination set.


  1. Create start and destination sets to keep track of cities that have been seen.
  2. Iterate through all cities.
    • Add the starting city to start set.
    • If the starting city was in destination set, remove it.
    • Add the destination city to destination set if it is not in start set.
  3. Return the guaranteed single item that is in the destination set.


  • Time complexity: $O(n)$. We iterate through all paths only once and do constant time operations on each iteration.

  • Space complexity: $O(n)$. We store all cities in sets. Each path has two cities so we have a maximum storate of $O(n/2) \rightarrow O(n)$.


class Solution:
    def destCity(self, paths: List[List[str]]) -> str:
        start = set()
        destination = set()
        for path in paths:
            if path[0] in destination:
            if path[1] not in start:
        return list(destination)[0]