1426 Counting Elements





This problem requires us to how many numbers in arr meet the condition of also having their immediate successive number in arr. In essence, all numbers x, such that x+1 is also in arr while counting repeat numbers if any exist.

This problem can be solved easily in two passes utilizing a hashset. We perform one pass to input the entire arr into the set, and then perform a second pass in which we tally the count of numbers which meet the criteria.


  1. Initialize a set to contain all of the given array.
  2. Initialize a counter to track our result, res.
  3. For each number, x, in arr increment our result counter if x+1 is also in arr.
  4. Return res.


  • Time complexity: $O(n)$. We utilize a two pass approach and on each pass perform constant time operations on the iterations.
  • Space complexity: $O(n)$. We utilize constant space for storing all of the numbers in a hashset.


class Solution {
    int countElements(vector<int>& arr) {
        unordered_set<int> numbers(arr.begin(), arr.end());
        int res = 0;
        for (int num : arr) {
            if (numbers.find(num + 1) != numbers.end()) {
        return res;