Krishna’s Personal Website

Hi Everyone! I’m a engineer passionate about learning and building solutions that scale.

I’ve always been into problem solving and understanding how things work. I love seeing how differnet components came together to form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. I was drawn to mechanical engineering and loved automotive engineering; however, I’ve always believed bigger is better and fell in love with aerospace while in school. I got a bachelor’s degree in Structural Engineer with a focus in Aerospace Structures from University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in 2019.

The next step of my journey took me to Boeing as a structural analysis where I worked on damage analysis to check the health of in-service planes. I created three analysis procedures that were accepted for company-wide use that drove team response time down by 20%. I started a master’s in mechanical engineering as I’m a firm believer in being a life-long learner. I wanted to continue to solve hard problems and challenge myself to grow as an engineer so in 2020 I accepted my admission offer to a master’s in mechanical engineering at the University of Southern California (USC).

I realized this wasn’t a great fit and dropped out a year later in 2021 to accept an admission to a master’s in computer science at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GATech). Computer science always interested me as with the rapid advancements of technology, solutions in the field have a very rapid scalability. I also accepted an offer to join the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) at the same time as the company’s goal in nuclear fusion energy research gives me a chance at having a large impact.

My journey still continues and I look forward to continue learning pushing myself to solve larger problems and make a larger impact.